It has been quite awhile since I last blogged. I remember the times when blogging was my one way I could express myself and escape from the realities of the world. But as I reluctantly tread into adulthood and maturity set in, I became aware of the importance of being a good steward of the internet and the repercussions as well as the dangers of the irresponsible use and abuse of such a privilege.
With that in mind, I decided to delete every single post (yes, every single one of them) and start afresh. My blog was in dire need of a revamp anyway.
So to begin again, let me try to encapsulate the essence of this blog with a short introduction of myself. I like to believe myself to be someone with an active mind, incessantly thinking and pondering about deep things in life (lol). I also belong to the generation that had the privilege of seeing first-hand the evolution of the internet and technology. So despite knowing things like the Walkman and living through the era where the loud modem would sing its song while connecting to the internet, I’m actually not that old (or so I choose to believe that).
Therefore, this blog is really just an extension of my mind. It is my thoughts and reflections put into written words. I enjoy interaction and always I’m always happy to see the younger generation engaging in the current affairs and really thinking and debating about the “real stuff”. Bearing this in mind, while I have the utmost respect for great minds like Lee Kuan Yew, Zaid Ibrahim, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Lim Kit Siang, Marina Mahathir and their peers, I would want my writings and musings to engage with the younger generation. Not that I intentionally write in a way that connects to them but this is just the way I normally write my blog posts and as a bonus, it has always been a small passion of mine to engage with the younger generation about these “real stuff”. Of course, older readership and engagement is encouraged and valued as well.
This blog will have a myriad of topics ranging from my personal thoughts about life to sharing my music and food recipes that I love, to reviews of books I read or food I eat. Of course, there will be quite some posts reflecting my thoughts and opinions on legal issues and developments as well as current affairs (I am after all in the legal field).
With all these in mind, we must not forget that this is at the end of the day an extension of my mind and are my personal thoughts and feelings. Therefore, these are the things that I hope my readers will always bear in mind:
- Everything posted here are 100% merely my own opinion and under no circumstances do I and will I ever claim that what I say is the absolute truth.
- PMA (for the uninitiated, this is the acronym for Positive Mental Attitude) - if you would like to interact with me or the readers or engage in the discussion or to give your point of view, it is mandatory that it must be positive and constructive. In other words, NO swearing, no personal attacks, no emotional breakdown or explosions, do not be rude to others, and always remember that there are different views to the same issue and no one view is the definite truth or answer. You get the drift!
Well, I do hope that you will enjoy the contents. Till then, stay cool people!